Full Steam Ahead for the Purple Line
Michael Madden, MTA Purple Line Project Manager, provided an update on the Purple Line project to the Silver Spring Action Committee for Transit...read more →
MM&C Eminent Domain Attorney, Joseph P. Suntum, Quoted in Washington Post Purple Line Article
Purple Line light-rail system would bring new infrastructure to neighborhoods A light-rail Purple Line, estimated to cost $2.15 billion, has no...read more →
The Purple Line and You; Part III: Aquisition of Property
This is a three-part series written by Miller, Miller & Canby Eminent Domain Attorneys discussing Purple Line and how it may impact residents...read more →
The Purple Line and You; Part II: Eminent Domain
This is a three-part series written by Miller, Miller & Canby Eminent Domain Attorneys discussing Purple Line and how it may impact residents...read more →
The Purple Line and You; Part I
This is a three-part series written by Miller, Miller & Canby Eminent Domain Attorneys discussing Purple Line and how it may impact residents...read more →
The Washington Post Reports Purple Line Plans Soon Could Displace Businesses, Residents
Construction of a light-rail Purple Line through the Maryland suburbs is at least two years away. However, Maryland Transit Administration...read more →
Montgomery County Council Enacts Important Property Rights Legislation
Attorney Soo Lee-Cho, in conjunction with The Maryland National Capital Building Industry Association, recently achieved the successful enactment of...read more →
Miller, Miller & Canby Represents Seller in $5.1 Million Sale in White Flint
Real estate attorney, Robert Gough, recently represented the seller in a $5.1 million sale of a fully leased, 31,000 square foot commercial building...read more →
Miller, Miller & Canby Sponsors “Bethesda & New Mixed-Use Projects” Roundtable
Thirty years after the 1982 Bethesda CBD Sector Plan stimulated the now famous "Bethesda Beauty Contest" more than 400 real estate professionals as...read more →