MD 355 Bus Rapid Transit Projects
2022.03.25 The project will design and construct a new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line on MD 355 from Bethesda to Clarksburg. There are three segments to this project: (1) South Segment: from Bethesda Metro to Montgomery College in Rockville; (2) Central Segment: from Montgomery College Rockville to Montgomery College Germantown; and (3) the North Segment: from Montgomery College Germantown to Clarksburg. The project includes dedicated BRT lanes, new BRT stations with level boarding and off-board payment, Transit Signal Priority (TSP), purchase of new zero-emission BRT buses, and other associated pedestrian and bicycle improvements along the corridor. All sections of the project are expected to hit the 35% design milestone by the end of the year presuming the county’s budget is formally adopted when they review it again in late April/May. The Central part of the project (from Montgomery College Rockville to Montgomery College Germantown) has recommended funds in the county’s budget for the entire project, including design through construction but the funds have not been formally adopted and appropriated yet. The budget has only provided funding through final design for the Southern (from Bethesda Metro to Montgomery College in Rockville) and Northern (from Montgomery College Germantown to Clarksburg) parts of the project. There is currently no funding for land acquisition as the county is trying to find additional funding and anticipate the additional funding to be provided around 2024.
Link to State’s project webpage: click here