MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Project – Norbeck Road / Spencerville Road / Old Columbia Pike / Sandy Spring Road (from MD 97 to I-95)
2022.04.21 All other segments are on hold except Segment D- the Burtonsville portion of the corridor. MDOT SHA and Montgomery County are exploring funding opportunities to advance the project. They have completed Preliminary Planning studies within Segment D (Burtonsville area) and Segment D is currently funded for NEPA. Currently, no funding is allocated for other Segments nor beyond NEPA for Segment D.
The study focuses on detailed traffic analysis and refinement of two concepts along MD 198 and intersection improvements. One concept is a four-lane with a median, contingent upon implementing the Burtonsville Access Road, which is under design by the County The second concept is five-lane. They propose new lane configuration at Old Columbia Pike and MD 198. The report of findings is currently under review and will be available soon. As for which of the 2 concepts will be implemented for Segment D along MD 198 in the Burtonsville Commercial Area- (according to January 2022 Preliminary Planning Report MD 28/MD 198 Segment D) the Current mainline strategies include a four lane roadway with a raised median and a five-lane roadway with a center two-way left turn lane, coupled with improvements to the Old Columbia Pike/ MD 198 intersection. The refined preliminary planning engineering analysis results show that implementing either of these strategies would address relevant goals and objectives, although the four-lane strategy is most consistent with local master plans. When funding is identified and available, next steps include: »Conducting additional public and stakeholder engagement. »Completing planning and preliminary engineering. »Completing the environmental documentation and analysis required under the National Environmental Policy Act. »Obtaining the required regulatory agency approvals. »Conducting final design. »Purchasing RW and constructing the project.
Link to State’s project webpage: click here