Managed Lanes Study I-495/I-270 / OP Lanes
2022.04.05 Governor Hogan’s prolonged I-495 and I-270 Managed Lanes Study has been rebranded as OP Lanes Maryland. The project has been redesigned and as a result the taking lines have been redrawn. OP Lanes Maryland will include interstate improvements along the I-495 and I-270 corridors. The project is currently divided up into two phases. Phase 1 North will provide improvements along I-270 from I-370 in Maryland to I-70 in Maryland. Phase 1 South includes improvements along I-495 from the GW Parkway in Virginia to I-370 in Maryland, including a replacement of the American Legion Bridge. Phase 1 South is still in preliminary design (design less than 30%) and Phase 1 North design has not begun.
Link to State’s project webpage: click here