Georgia Avenue (MD 97) Project (from 16th St. to Forest Glen Road)

2020.02.26 The new Alternative 5B (modified) map is now available on the following State website: The Federal Highway Administration (FHA) approved that alternative, and the environmental process is complete, i.e. the Categorical Exclusion (CATEX) is signed. The 30% design milestone is now officially completed, and the State Highway Administration (SHA) awaits additional funding to continue toward a more detailed 65% design. Meanwhile, the SHA project design team is coordinating in earnest with its utility partners (i.e. Pepco, Washing Gas, WSSC, Phone & Cable, etc.), as utility relocation will be a major schedule and budget driver for this project.
2019.08.13 The State has selected its preferred alternative and submitted it to the FHA for approval and completion of the environmental compliance process. The State selected a modified version of Alternative 5B. While the attached exhibit indicates the potential impact to your property, we will send you a revision as soon as the State makes its Alternate 5B (modified) map available.2019.02.27 There have been schedule delays to completion of the MD 97 project’s planning phase due design revisions aimed at reducing costs and minimizing impacts to private property. Also, a new traffic analysis was performed, and the State has been coordinating with Montgomery County Park and Planning, which is preparing their Forest Glen/Montgomery Hills Sector Plan. You can obtain information regarding the Sector Plan at the following website:; the next community meeting is March 19, 2019. The State expects to finalize its preferred alternative for the project this Summer, which it will submit to the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) for approval. The project is now only funded up to 30% design, but FHA approval should lead to full design funding. We currently anticipate Right of Way acquisition process commencing in late 2020 or early 2021.